After my recent discussions with Tejas Networks top brass, I was fortune enough to get insight into one the India’s crown jewel companies. Tejas, as rightly said, is well equipped to tackle the emerging challenges of data explosion & in fact delivering those promises.
Here is brief excerpt:
The Year 2012:
In 2012, Tejas won new businesses in the area of mobile backhaul, where operators were upgrading their networks for expansion and scaling up of 3G services. In addition, Tejas also did well and received significant business from operators who provide enterprise bandwidth/data services.
With the increased user base of 3G services, Tejas saw a need for the support of new data services, in addition to the legacy voice services. Due to these factors, Packet Optical Transport Platforms (POTP) became popular. Tejas TJ1400 and TJ1600 POTP products were widely deployed and today carry a significant share of India’s 3G traffic.
Recent Awards
In 2012, Tejas won the CSIR Technology award, India’s highest technology award. The award was presented by Prime Minister Manhmohan Singh and was given to Tejas Networks for the development of its highly innovative and commercially successful, packet optical transmission product, TJ1600. In addition to this, Tejas won the Aegis Graham Bell award for innovation in Green telecom technologies for Tejas vSave100, which is an innovative energy management product.
Outlook for 2013:
The next phase of growth in Indian telecom will be driven by new broadband services both on wireless as well as wireline front. There are expectations for BWA/LTE services to be rolled out by operators across the country. These will require significant investment in optical fiber infrastructure, since this is the only technology that can scale up and meet the growing bandwidth demand on today’s networks.
Apart from the BWA/LTE rollouts, there are expectations of some large government-funded broadband projects being announced, which will need optical technology. Tejas being a market leader in optical transport and with its continued investment in R&D and new products, expects to gain significantly from these trends in 2013.